
“PASSENGERFILMS is a wonderful bridge between academic and popular cultures. It offers an accessible, fun, and provocative environment which brings cultural geography — and its associated debates — to a wider audience whilst at the same time allowing films to speak for themselves.”

Dr. Innes Keighren, Lecturer in Human Geography

“PASSENGERFILMS’s screenings are a very effective way of bringing together people from different backgrounds, disciplinary and otherwise, to reflect on the diversity of reactions that an audience normally has, which is enhanced and explored further by the discussions around the films themselves. It’s a great initiative.”

– Dr. Carlos Galviz, Research Assistant in Geography

“The London Short Film Festival were delighted to work on an event with PASSENGERFILMS at the Festival in January, with a screening of short architectural films and documentaries followed by a fascinating discussion with the filmmakers and architects, at the Hackney Picturehouse. PASSENGERFILMS create events and screenings which make you look at films in a new light, creating debate and discussion around how architecture and place is portrayed in all kinds of cinema, from mainstream to documentary to experimental. It’s important for London’s thriving film community to have such intelligent programming, making the scene constantly interesting and thought provoking.”

– Philip Ilson, curator, The London Short Film Festival

“I really enjoyed working with PF. Their ideas were innovative and also sensitive to the context of our event. As a team they were efficient and friendly, and their ideas and collaborators where professional yet flexible. We put on an excellent event with them and I wouldn’t hesitate to work with them again in the future.”

– Rosie Freeman, Director of People & Communications, The Brick Box

“A really varied line-up and intellectually hefty programme — but in an unusually relaxed atmosphere.”

– Jamie Andrews, English and Drama, British Library

“I’ve enjoyed all the events I’ve attended — they’ve been well crafted and had a good balance of discussion and film screenings. I don’t feel that anybody else is really running events that deal with the aspects of urban life, planning and change in the same manner that theirs have, so would hope to see more similar in the future.  I also enjoyed speaking and felt the events were a good networking opportunity and a chance to meet others with similar interests.”

– Ali Costelloe, urban explorer

“Strikingly eclectic and always vigorously curated, PASSENGERFILMS events are tapping, with prescience and polish, into the rich seam of work produced at the intersection of the moving image, literature, topographic studies and wider social commentary. Their keen sense of the cultural complexities of place is both welcome and necessary.”

– Gareth Evans, Film Curator, Whitechapel Gallery

“I very much enjoyed taking part in PASSENGERFILMS because the audience is truly engaged and responsive to the different themed events. The energy of the people setting up the programmes is wonderful and their success testimony to its packed out events.”

– Andrea Zimmerman, director, ‘Estate’

“It’s great that there is a film society that brings together the odd collection of film-makers, artists and writers creating landscape inspired work. I was very impressed with the way they presented my film The London Perambulator at the psychogeography event, which was followed by a lively and stimulating discussion with what was clearly a well-informed audience. This isn’t just a gathering of the already initiated but seems to appeal to a broad audience of the curious and intrepid.”

– John Rogers, director

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